A day in the life... with Martin Lewis, Team Leader

August 23rd 2023

“2023 marks my 20th year at Selwood. I’ve worked across the business, but this role has been a highlight” says Martin Lewis, Team Leader.

Martin didn’t have a long-term career in mind when he initially applied for a role in the parts department, but 20 years later, he still looks forward to the unique challenges every day brings.

“It’s a great place to work. I’ve seen the company grow significantly, and to be a part of that growth and some of my colleagues' career journeys at Selwood is special.”

As part of supervising the Stores team, Martin oversees daily operation of the warehouse - ensuring the dispatch process of branch and sales orders operates accurately and on time.

“When an order comes in with a pick sheet, we find where the parts are located, pick the parts that are on the order, bring them back to the packing bench and pack it up. We then have to record the items we’ve picked on our internal system and dispatch them.

“I’ll keep an eye on the inventory. If there’s a stock issue, we’ll investigate it and work with the purchasing team to get more parts ordered.”

Hands-on management

Unlike other roles, Team Leaders aren’t required to do much travelling, however it’s an active role and you’ll rarely find Martin sitting at a desk.

“I’m constantly moving – picking and packing, running around making sure everything is operating smoothly. Before we hired a warehouse manager, I was more involved with admin and kit processing, but I find it much more fulfilling to be hands-on and working with the team in the warehouse.

“Today we’ve been picking refurb kits – it takes about a day to do these as there are so many components that have to be separated and packed individually. Tomorrow I'll be going through any sales orders that need catching up on.

“I'm also keeping an eye on the warehouse to make sure it’s up to scratch, tidying in between jobs is really important to ensure orders are dispatched with accuracy. Keeping the site tidy also ensures that we are all contributing to creating a safe working environment. This is my number one priority.”

A rewarding job

When asked what he enjoys most about his role, Martin mentioned how rewarding it is to deliver big orders and support the team in reaching their goals.

“When you get lots done, sent out on time and fulfil orders from the depot quickly, it’s what I take pride in. I have a great team, who are motivated and want to work hard. Here’s to another 20 years!”

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